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Soror Lisan Wakefield

Through Soror Lisan Wakefield’s intensive curiosity of all life, she studied human cultures and the bones of the Earth. She fully committed herself to a spiritual path at the age of 18, when she began studying almost every form of religion.

Soror Lisan has been practicing divination for over 40 years and has been reading tarot for nearly two and a half decades. She also has immersed herself in I Ching, ceremonial magick and spellwork and she is a Reiki master.

Soror Lisan also has a very deep rooted love for anthropology and geology and has a strong understanding of the many properties of most stones, metals and minerals. She has her Bachelors in Anthropology and Geology and she minored in theatre. Soror Lisan is also an initiate of Ordo Templi Orientis.

Soror Lisan is available by private appointment only. Please email us to schedule a private appointment:

[email protected]