Olivia Diann Cornyn
Olivia Diann Cornyn is a Scientific Hand Analyst, Empath and Psychic. She is a reader of the Field, having begun studying Scientific Hand Analysis in 2014. This specialty began in the 1980s when the advent of computers and computer algorithms turned to metaphysics.
You can think of your hands as “HOLDING THE BLUEPRINT TO YOUR LIFE: Your gifts, your nature and where you are on your path.” Blessedly, it can also reveal your blind spots. Science has found, that your brain’s wiring actually shows up in the lines on your hands.
Olivia calls upon her natural intuitive abilities to help guide her clients through difficult times. Each session with Olivia is customizable to the clients needs and while she specializes in Hand Analysis she offers other services including Tarot and I-Ching Readings.
Olivia is available by appointment only. In order to schedule, please send us an email: